Long Island Natural History Conference

The Long Island Natural History Conference is the premier regional forum for the exchange of information about Long Island’s natural history. Its goal is to bring together Long Island’s leading naturalists to exchange current information, identify research and management needs, and encourage collaborations and a greater region-wide interest in Long Island’s natural history.

The 2025 LI Natural History Conference will be held March 21, 2025 at Stony Brook University.

The Long Island Natural History Conference was established by the Long Island Nature Organization (LINO) in 2012 to support education and research about the natural history of Long Island. The conference resulted from the vision and dedication of Mike Bottini, Tim Green, John Turner and the late James Monaco.

The conference was founded with the following goals:

  • Introduce people doing field research, natural resource management, and conservation projects on Long Island
  • Exchange current information on the natural history of Long Island
  • Identify research and management needs
  • Foster friendships and collegial relationships
  • Encourage a greater region-wide interest in Long Island’s natural history.

Seatuck assumed management of the Long Island Natural History Conference when it merged with LINO in 2020. 

Video Library

Thanks to the Brookhaven National Laboratory, the majority of presentations from the first eight conferences (2012-2019) have been recorded and uploaded to YouTube.  These recordings (more than 90 in all!) are linked here. You can find presentations by browsing either the SPEAKER INDEX or the TOPIC INDEX below.

Speaker Index

Aigner, Christopher            The Future of Brook Trout in Long Island: Long Term Thinking

Alden, Peter                          Changes to Our Flora and Fauna 

Battaly, Trudy                       Falcons on FIRE (Fire Island Raptor Enumerators)

Battle, Kerissa                      Networked Ecological Initiatives for Climate Change Research and Education

Bennington, J Bret             What Every Naturalist Should Know About the Geologic History of Long Island

Black, David                          Long Island’s Climate: Past and Future

Booth-Binczik, Susan        White-tailed Deer Biology and Monitoring Methods for Landowners

Bottini, Mike                         Long Island’s River Otters 

Bottini, Mike                         2018 Conservation UpdateRiver Otters

Bottini, Mike                         Tracking Spotted Turtles Over the Year

Bottini, Mike                         2023 Conservation Update: Spotted Turtles, Otters & Coyotes

Branco, Alison                      Coastal Adaptation: Harnessing the Power of Nature to Protect People

Breisch, Alvin                       Herpetofauna of the Northeast Coastal Region

Brown, Maria                        Barcode Long Island: Student-Centered Biodiversity Research

Browne, James                    Restoring Oyster Reefs in Hempstead Bay: Methods, Results and Future Directions

Burke, Russell                      Strange Times for Jamaica Bay Terrapins*

Burke, Russell                      2018 Conservation Update: Diamondback Terrapins

Burke, Russell                      Lizards Among Us: Italian Wall Lizards in Suburbia

Burne, Matthew                 Wicked Neat; the Natural History of Vernal Pools

Camhi, Merry                       Sharks and Rays of the New York Seascape

Campbell, Scott                  The Land of Oz: Spiders and Chiggers and Ticks, Oh My!

Cech, Rich                             Lifestyles of East Coast Butterflies 

Cullum, Dell                         Encounters with the Raccoon and the Virginia Opossum

Curtis, Tobey                        Long Island’s Role in the Comeback of the Great White Shark

Curtis, Tobey                        White Shark 2019 Conservation Update

Dahl, Soren                           New York Seagrass Conservation Activities

DiGiovanni, Robert             Thirty Years of Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles Around Long Island

DePerte, Alison                    2023 Conservation Update: Whale Strandings

Feinberg, Jeremy                A Frog’s Tale: The Story of a Long Island Extinction (Leopard Frog, Anura ranidae)

Fishman, Michael                The Bats of Long Island

Flagg, Charlie                       The Development of the Old Inlet Breach and its Impacts on Great South Bay

Gardner, Todd                      Drifters: A Guide to the Stray Tropical Fishes of New York

Gobler, Chris                         Effects of Excessive Nitrogen Loading on L.I.’s Coastal Ecosystems

Green, Tim                             Natural History of Brookhaven National Laboratory

Greller, Andrew                    Great Ferns I Have Known

Gurevitch, Jessica                What’s so special about the Long Island Dwarf Pine Plains?

Guthrie, Chart                       Freshwater Fishes of Long Island: What are they and where did they come from?

Hamilton, Frederick            Status of the Colonial Water Bird Program: Where it Has Been, Where it is and Where it is                                                                               Headed

Hamilton, Frederick            Regional Status of the Eastern Wild Turkey* 

Hapke, Cheryl                       Coastal Response to Hurricane Sandy at Fire Island, N.Y.

Harrison, Louise                   Plum Island: Biological Linchpin of an Archipelago

Harrison, Louise                   2018 Conservation Update: Plum Island

Harrison, Louise                   2023 Conservation Update: Plum Island

Harrison, Louise                   Envision Plum Island’s Conservation District*

Harrison, Tobi                       Peconic Bay Scallops: Current Status and Potential Solutions

Hays, Helen                           Great Gull Island Terns: Here and There

Hernandez, Dean L.            Drone-based aerial surveys to quantify nearshore Atlantic menhaden and their predators

Hietala-Henschell, Katie    Dark Skies for Fireflies: a Multi-year Survey of lampyrids in New York State Parks

Higbie, Jennifer                   Home Ranges of Eastern Box Turtles at BNL

Hoff, Samantha                    Bat Conservation on Long Island and the Case of the Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis                                                                                   septentrionalis)

Hoff, Samantha                    Northern Long-eared Bats 2019 Conservation Update

Hoffman, Carol                     American Eels in New York

Izquierdo, Javier                   The American Beachgrass Microbiome: Spying on Private Conversations Underground

Jennings, Kevin                    Bald Eagle 2018 Conservation Update

Job, Kevin                               Disappearing Southern New England River Herring 

Jordan, Marilyn                     Novel Ecosystems: A Threat To Wildlife

Kaelin, Matthew                   The Carnivorous Plants of Long Island

Kassner, Jeffrey                    The Historical Ecology of the Great South Bay’s Blue Point Oyster

Kopelman, Arthur                Harbor Seals at Cupsogue Beach: Population Trends and Site Fidelity

Lamont, Eric                          Status of Orchids on Long Island, New York

Larson, Taylor                        Conservation Update: The Long Island Mammal Survey

Lendemer, James                Long Island Lichens: an Exploration of a Hidden World

Leoniak, George                   Cybertracker Conservation Track and Sign Certification: Origins and Applications

Levin, Ted                               The Very Last Timber Rattlesnake

Lobue, Carl                             The Nature Conservancy’s Shellfish Restoration Efforts in Great South Bay

Lobue, Carl                             2019 Conservation Update: Atlantic Menhaden

Lobue, Carl                             2023 Conservation Update: Wildlife Collaborative for Offshore Wind

Longiaru, Rob                       Applying research towards creating an annual cycle understanding of New York Black                                                                                     Skimmer populations

Lupo, Leslie                           New York State River Otter Survey

Maher, Nicole                       Assessing Salt Marsh Health on Long Island

McAllister, Kevin                  Living on the Edge in the Face of Climate Change: Coastal Processes, Interventions and Adaptation

McGrath, Robert                  That was then, this is now… Standing on the shoulders of some of Long Island’s greatest                                                                                 naturalists.

McGuinness, Hugh             The Moths of Long Island

McHale, Bradley                  Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: A Fish Without a Country

McKown, Kim                       Atlantic Sturgeon: Life History, Management and Research

McNamara, Marianne        The Role of Ctenophores  and Factors Influencing Seasonal Population Blooms in Long                                                                                  Island Estuaries

McNamara, Terrence         The Flora and Fauna of Fishers Island

Metzger, Gregory               The Sharks in Our Near Shore Waters: Oh, Just How Little We Know

Mitra, Shai                            Bird Migration on Long Island

Montello, Maxine                Tracking Post-Release Movement Patterns of New York’s Rehabilitated Sea Turtles Provides                                                                         Insight into their Utilization of New York Waters

Nagy, Chris                           New York’s Newest Immigrants: Coyotes in the Metropolitan Area

Nardone, Enrico                  Restoring Tributaries and River Herring on Long Island

Nardone, Enrico                  2019 Conservation Update: Diadromous Fish Passage* 

Nardone, Enrico                  2023 Conservation Update: River Herring & Eels

Nash, Bruce                         Barcode Long Island: Student-Centered Biodiversity Research

Nelson, Tom                         Status of Orchids on Long Island, New York

Newell, Ariana                     Mother Nature Knows Best: How Superstorm Sandy Changed Sunken Meadow Creek

Novak, Joyce                        Conservation update: Conservation projects in the Peconic Estuary

Nye, Janet                             Climate Change and Global Warming Impacts on Marine Fish Distribution

O’Riordan, Heidi                  Monitoring Movement and Passage of Fish in the Carmans River

Pachomski, Amanda          Sharing the Shore with Coastal Birds*

Panko, Drew                         Falcons on FIRE (Fire Island Raptor Enumerators)

Papa, Steve                           Status of the Red Knot and Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow on Long Island

Paparo, Christopher           From Plankton to Whales: Why our local waters are worth protecting

Parrott, Melissa Griffiths    A Day in the Life of the Carmans River

Pavacic, John                       The Southern Pine Beetle Infestation on Long Island: Status and Trends

Pendergast, Casey              Northern Long-eared Bat Hibernation in Coastal Populations with White-nose Syndrome 

Perreault, Stephane           Diet and Behavior of a Pair of Eastern Coyotes in Nassau County

Peteet, Dorothy                   Jamaica Bay Marshes as Archives of Past Vegetation, Sediment and Pollution History in New York City

Piccininni, Frank                 Conservation update: Restoring the American chestnut

Pickerell, Chris                     Thirty Years of Working with Eelgrass (Zostera marina) on Long Island: Status, Restoration and Research

Pomi-Urbat, Lara                To Kill a Kudzu: The Status of Exotic Invasive Plants on Long Island

Portilla, Sixto                        Plankton Blooms, Decreasing Temperatures and Recent Fishkills: is There a Connection?

Potente, John                     The Pageantry of the Monarch Butterfly

Powell, William                    American Chestnut: Leading the Way to a Healthier Forest

Quevedo, Frank                  White Shark 2018 Conservation Update

Rawinski, Thomas              White-tailed deer and Their Influence on Forest Vegetation

Riepe, Don                            Jamaica Bay: An Urban National Park

Riepe, Don                           Barn Owls of Jamaica Bay

Safina, Carl                           Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel

Sakellariadis, Julie              Orchid Colony Restoration 2019 Conservation Update* 

Salzman, Eric                       Breeding Birds of Long Island: Past, Present & Future

Santos, Arielle                      Long Island Wildlife Survey

Scheibel, Michael               Bald Eagles Nesting on Long Island

Schlesinger, Matt               Biodiversity and Ecological Potential of Plum Island, NY

Sclafani, Matt                       Horseshoe Crab Monitoring in New York and Interactions with Migratory Shorebirds in                                                                                   Moriches Bay

Sellers, Christopher            Suburban Nature and Environmentalism on Post WWII Long Island: Past as Prologue?

Sieswerda, Paul                  Whales of New York City and the Return of the Humpback Whale

Silvestri, Robyn                   Conservation update: South Shore Bays Unified Water Study

Starke, Adam                       The Nature Conservancy’s Shellfish Restoration Efforts in Great South Bay

Stiller, Joshua                      The Long Island Mammal Survey

Taft, Dave                             Hide and Seek in the Wilds of Long Island

Tanacredi, John                  Horseshoe Crabs: a Global Conservation Icon in Dire Straits

Thonis, Anna                       Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) Shell Damage and Health in an Urban                                                                                  Landscape

Titus, Valorie                        Connectivity Among Eastern Tiger Salamander Populations in Anthropogenic Landscapes  

Turner, John                        Atlantic White Cedar: Its Historical and Current Status on Long Island

Turner, John                        Long Island’s Goatsuckers: Whip-poor-will, Chuck-will’s-widow, and Common Nighthawk

Turner, John                        The ruffed grouse on Long Island

Turner, John                        2023 Conservation Update: Vernal Pools, Diamondback Terrapins & Water Reuse

Turner, John                        2024 Conservation Update: The Vernal Pool Project

Vanek, John                         Spreading Adders? Ecology and Natural History of the Eastern Hog-nosed Snake on Long Island

Vescera, Mina                       Threats to Our Maritime Beech Forest

Vincenti, Frank                    Coyote 2018 Conservation Update

Virgin, Aaron                        The Comeback of the Osprey: Success Story or Trash Bird?

Wails, Christy N.                   The rise of a new top dog: Contrasting impacts of feral cats and red foxes on threatened                                                                                  shorebirds during a mange epidemic at Fire Island

Warren, Joe                          From the Wrack Line to the Twilight Zone: A Tour of New York’s Less-famous Marine                                                                                        Creatures

Weckel, Mark                       Coyotes on Long Island: a Framework for Planning Ahead

Weigand, Polly                    An Evaluation of Management, Urbanization and Isolation on Grassland Biodiversity*

Weigand, Polly                    2019 Conservation Update: Pine Barrens Research

Weigand, Polly                    2023 Conservation Update: Central Pine Barrens

Weis, Judith                         Salt Marshes: A Natural and Unnatural History

Welles, Imogene C.            Generalist Dietary Dynamics Within Small Mammal Communities in the Long Island                                                                                        Central Pine Barrens

Wernet, John                       The Southern Pine Beetle Infestation on Long Island: Status and Trends

Wernet, John                       Southern Pine Beetle, Gypsy Moth and Oak Wilt 2019 Conservation Update*

White, Erin                           Odonate Biodiversity and Rarities on Long Island*

Whittemore, Michael        Distribution, Status, and Flora of Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Heathlands and Grasslands

Wise, William                       The History of the Menhaden Fishery in New York

Young, Byron                       The Long Island Alewife: Biology, Ecology and Restoration

Young, Byron                       Diadromous Fish Passage 2019 Conservation Update* 

Young, Steve                        Long Island’s Coastal Plain Ponds: A Unique Ecosystem Under Threat

*Video Unavailable

Topic Index

Carl Safina: Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel


Hamilton: Overview and Status of the NYS DEC Colonial Water Bird Program: Where it Has Been, Where it is and Where it is Headed

Pachomski: Sharing the Shore with Coastal Birds

Salzman: Breeding Birds of Long Island: Past, Present & Future

Barn Owl

Riepe: Barn Owls of Jamaica Bay

Bird Migration

Battaly & Panko: Falcons on FIRE (Fire Island Raptor Enumerators)

Mitra: Bird Migration on Long Island

Black Skimmer

Longiaru: Applying research towards creating an annual cycle understanding of New York Black Skimmer populations


Jennings: Bald Eagle 2018 Conservation Update

Scheibel: Bald Eagles Nesting on Long Island


Turner: Long Island’s Goatsuckers: Whip-poor-will, Chuck-will’s-widow, and Common Nighthawk


Virgin: The Comeback of the Osprey: Success Story or Trash Bird?

Red Knot

Papa: Status of the Red Knot and Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow on Long Island

Ruffed Grouse

Turner: The ruffed grouse on Long Island

Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow

Papa: Status of the Red Knot and Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow on Long Island


Hays: Great Gull Island Terns: Here and There


Hamilton: Regional Status of the Eastern Wild Turkey

Cech: Lifestyles of East Coast Butterflies

Potente: The Pageantry of the Monarch Butterfly

Campbell: The Land of Oz: Spiders, Chiggers & Ticks, Oh My!

Alden: Changes to Our Flora and Fauna

Black: Long Island’s Climate: Past and Future

Branco: Coastal Adaptation: Harnessing the Power of Nature to Protect People

Flagg: The Development of the Old Inlet Breach and its Impacts on Great South Bay

Gobler: Effects of Excessive Nitrogen Loading on L.I.’s Coastal Ecosystems

Hapke: Coastal Response to Hurricane Sandy at Fire Island, N.Y.

McAllister: Living on the Edge in the Face of Climate Change: An Overview of Coastal Processes,

Interventions and Adaptation

Newell: Mother Nature Knows Best: How Superstorm Sandy Changed Sunken Meadow Creek

Nye: Climate Change and Global Warming Impacts on Marine Fish Distribution

White: Odonate Biodiversity and Rarities on Long Island

Alden: Changes to Our Flora and Fauna

Battle: Networked Ecological Initiatives for Climate Change Research and Education

Burne: Wicked Neat; the Natural History of Vernal Pools

Parrott: A Day in the Life of the Carmans River

Jordan: Novel Ecosystems: a Threat To Wildlife

Lobue & Starke: The Nature Conservancy’s Shellfish Restoration Efforts in Great South Bay

Nardone: Restoring Tributaries and River Herring on Long Island

Nardone: Diadromous Fish Passage 2019 Conservation Update

Paparo: From Plankton to Whales: Why our local waters are worth protecting

Portilla: Plankton Blooms, Decreasing Temperatures and Recent Fishkills: is There a Connection?

Dahl: New York Seagrass Conservation Activities

Pickerell: Thirty Years of Working with Eelgrass (Zostera marina) on Long Island: Status, Restoration and Research

Sellers: Suburban Nature and Environmentalism on Post WWII Long Island: Past as Prologue?  

Greller: Great Ferns I Have Known


Camhi: Sharks and Rays of the New York Seascape

Gardner: Drifters: a Guide to the Stray Tropical Fishes of New York

Guthrie: Freshwater Fishes of Long Island: What are they and where did they come from?

Nardone: Restoring Tributaries and River Herring on Long Island

Nardone & Young: Diadromous Fish Passage 2019 Conservation Update

O’Riordan: Monitoring Movement and Passage of Fish in the Carmans River

Paparo: From Plankton to Whales: Why our local waters are worth protecting

Portilla: Plankton Blooms, Decreasing Temperatures and Recent Fishkills: is There a Connection?


Young: The Long Island Alewife: Biology, Ecology and Restoration

American Eel

Hoffman: American Eels in New York

Brook Trout

Aigner: The Future of Brook Trout in Long Island: Long Term Thinking


Hernandez: Drone-based aerial surveys to quantify nearshore Atlantic menhaden and their predators

Lobue: Menhaden 2019 Conservation Update

Wise: The History of the Menhaden Fishery in New York


Camhi: Sharks and Rays of the New York Seascape

Curtis: Long Island’s Role in the Comeback of the Great White Shark

Curtis: White Shark 2019 Conservation Update

Metzger: The Sharks in Our Near Shore Waters: Oh, Just How Little We Know

Quevedo: White Shark 2018 Conservation Update


McKown: Atlantic Sturgeon: Life History, Management and Research


McHale: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: A Fish Without a Country


Breisch: Herpetofauna of the Northeast Coastal Region

Leopard Frog

Feinberg: A Frog’s Tale: The Story of a Long Island Extinction and Its Unexpected Role in the Discovery of a New Species of Leopard Frog (Anura ranidae) in the Urban Northeast

Brown & Nash: Barcode Long Island: Student-Centered Biodiversity Research

Bennington: What Every Naturalist Should Know About the Geologic History and Glacial Geomorphology of Long Island

Sclafani: Horseshoe Crab Monitoring in New York State’s Marine District and Interactions with Migratory Shorebirds in Moriches Bay

Tanacredi: Horseshoe Crabs: a Global Conservation Icon in Dire Straits

Jordan: Novel Ecosystems: a Threat To Wildlife

Pomi-Urbat: To Kill a Kudzu: The Status of Exotic Invasive Plants on Long Island

McNamara: The Role of Ctenophores (Comb Jellies) and Factors Influencing Seasonal Population Blooms in Long Island Estuaries

Lendemer: Long Island Lichens: an Exploration of a Hidden World

Breisch: Herpetofauna of the Northeast Coastal Region

Burke: Lizards Among Us: Italian Wall Lizards in Suburbia


Fishman: The Bats of Long Island

Hoff: Bat Conservation on Long Island and the Case of the Northern Long-eared Bat 

Hoff: Northern Long-eared Bats 2019 Conservation Update


Nagy: New York’s Newest Immigrants: Coyotes in the Metropolitan Area

Vincenti: Coyote 2018 Conservation Update

Weckel: Coyotes on Long Island: a Framework for Planning Ahead


Booth-Binczik: White-tailed Deer Biology and Monitoring Methods for Landowners

Rawinski: White-tailed deer and Their Influence on Forest Vegetation

Marine Mammals

DiGiovanni: Thirty Years of Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles Around Long Island

Kopelman: Harbor Seals at Cupsogue Beach: Population Trends and Site Fidelity


Cullum: Encounters with the Raccoon and the Virginia Opossum


Bottini: Long Island’s River Otters

Bottini: River Otter 2018 Conservation Update

Lupo: New York State River Otter Survey


Cullum: Encounters with the Raccoon and the Virginia Opossum


Kopelman: Harbor Seals at Cupsogue Beach: Population Trends and Site Fidelity


Stiller: Long Island Mammal Survey


DiGiovanni: Thirty Years of Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles Around Long Island

Sieswerda: Whales of New York City and the Return of the Humpback Whale

Potente: The Pageantry of the Monarch Butterfly

McGuinness: The Moths of Long Island

White: Odonate Biodiversity and Rarities on Long Island

Browne: Restoring Oyster Reefs in Hempstead Bay: Methods, Results and Future Directions

Kassner: The Historical Ecology of the Great South Bay’s Blue Point Oyster

Alden: Changes to Our Flora and Fauna

Battle: Networked Ecological Initiatives for Climate Change Research and Education

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Green: Natural History of Brookhaven National Laboratory

Carmans River

Parrott: A Day in the Life of the Carmans River

O’Riordan: Monitoring Movement and Passage of Fish in the Carmans River

Great South Bay

LoBue & Starke: The Nature Conservancy’s Shellfish Restoration Efforts in Great South Bay

Great Gull Island

Hays: Great Gull Island Terns: Here and There

Jamaica Bay

Peteet: Jamaica Bay Marshes as Archives of Past Vegetation, Sediment and Pollution History in New York City

Riepe: Jamaica Bay: An Urban National Park

Riepe: Barn Owls of Jamaica Bay

Peconic Estuary

Novak: Conservation update: Conservation projects in the Peconic Estuary

Pine Barrens

Gurevitch: What’s so special about the Long Island Dwarf Pine Plains?

Weigand: Pine Barrens Research 2019 Conservation Update

Plum Island

Harrison: Plum Island: Biological Linchpin of an Archipelago

Harrison: Plum Island 2018 Conservation Update

Harrison: Envision Plum Island’s Conservation District

Schlesinger: Biodiversity and Ecological Potential of Plum Island, NY

Sunken Meadow State Park

Newell: Mother Nature Knows Best: How Superstorm Sandy Changed Sunken Meadow Creek


Taft: Hide and Seek in the Wilds of Long Island

Atlantic White Cedar

Turner: Atlantic White Cedar: Its Historical and Current Status on Long Island


Izquierdo: The American Beachgrass Microbiome: Spying on Private Conversations Underground

Carnivorous Plants

Kaelin: The Carnivorous Plants of Long Island

American Chestnut

Piccininni: Conservation update: Restoring the American chestnut

Powell: American Chestnut: Leading the Way to a Healthier Forest

Coastal Plain Ponds

Young: Long Island’s Coastal Plain Ponds: A Unique Ecosystem Under Threat


Weigand: An Evaluation of Management, Urbanization and Isolation on Grassland Biodiversity

Maritime Beech Forest:

Vescera: Threats to Our Maritime Beech Forest


Lamont & Nelson: Status of Orchids on Long Island, New York

Sakellariadis: Orchid Colony Restoration 2019 Conservation Update

Pine Barrens

Gurevitch: What’s so special about the Long Island Dwarf Pine Plains?

Weigand: Pine Barrens Research 2019 Conservation Update

Salt Marsh

Peteet: Jamaica Bay Marshes as Archives of Past Vegetation, Sediment and Pollution History in New York City

Weis: Salt Marshes: A Natural and Unnatural History

Breisch: Herpetofauna of the Northeast Coastal Region

Titus: Connectivity and Gene Flow Among Eastern Tiger Salamander Populations in Highly Modified Anthropogenic Landscapes  

DiGiovanni: Thirty Years of Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles Around Long Island

Kopelman: Harbor Seals at Cupsogue Beach: Population Trends and Site Fidelity

LoBue & Starke: The Nature Conservancy’s Shellfish Restoration Efforts in Great South Bay

Breisch: Herpetofauna of the Northeast Coastal Region

Levin, Ted: The Very Last Timber Rattlesnake

Vanek: Spreading Adders? Ecology and Natural History of the Eastern Hog-nosed Snake on Long Island

Pavacic & Wernet: The Southern Pine Beetle Infestation on Long Island: Status and Trends

Wernet: Southern Pine Beetle, Gypsy Moth and Oak Wilt 2019 Conservation Update

Campbell: The Land of Oz: Spiders and Chiggers and Ticks, Oh My!

Campbell: The Land of Oz: Spiders and Chiggers and Ticks, Oh My!

Breisch: Herpetofauna of the Northeast Coastal Region


Breisch: Herpetofauna of the Northeast Coastal Region

Diamondback Terrapin

Burke: Strange Times for Jamaica Bay Terrapins

Burke: Diamondback Terrapin 2018 Conservation Update

Eastern Box Turtle

Higbie: Home Ranges of Eastern Box Turtles at Brookhaven National Lab

Thonis: Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) Shell Damage and Health in an Urban Landscape

Sea Turtles

DiGiovanni: Thirty Years of Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles Around Long Island

Montello: Tracking Post-Release Movement Patterns of New York’s Rehabilitated Sea Turtles Provides Insight into their Utilization of New York Waters

Spotted Turtle

Bottini: Tracking Spotted Turtles Over the Yea

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