Board of Directors


Picture of Alison Branco, Ph.D.

Alison Branco, Ph.D.


Picture of Lucinda Mullin

Lucinda Mullin

Vice President

Picture of Betsy Mayo

Betsy Mayo


Picture of Victoria Berger

Victoria Berger


At Large Board Members

Picture of Sue Avery

Sue Avery

Picture of Jim Barry

Jim Barry

Picture of Merry Camhi, Ph.D.

Merry Camhi, Ph.D.

Picture of Peter DiMento

Peter DiMento

Picture of Timothy J. Dunn, III, Esq.

Timothy J. Dunn, III, Esq.

Picture of Anthony Graves

Anthony Graves

Picture of Carl Hyman

Carl Hyman

Picture of Pat McHeffey

Pat McHeffey

Picture of Andrew Mulvey

Andrew Mulvey

Picture of Kenneth Phalen

Kenneth Phalen

Picture of Michael Reilly

Michael Reilly

Picture of Charles Weiss

Charles Weiss